My Confusion!!!!
well just wanted to start off things here.....
My life.......what is it????what am i doing here????
what do i actually want to do here????
too much confusion.......dunno what to do.........sumtimes i feel my life is the worst possible for a human being...sumtimes i am in more than in love with not even sure about how my life is.....
i feel i am a dreamer who just wants to live in his dreams.....but the problem is am not quite sure what am i dreaming about or what i want to dream about.......
questions that remain unanswered inside me....keep cropping up every other day....but i just dont understand myself.....and the question still stands WHATS HAPPENING around me?????
My life.......what is it????what am i doing here????
what do i actually want to do here????
too much confusion.......dunno what to do.........sumtimes i feel my life is the worst possible for a human being...sumtimes i am in more than in love with not even sure about how my life is.....
i feel i am a dreamer who just wants to live in his dreams.....but the problem is am not quite sure what am i dreaming about or what i want to dream about.......
questions that remain unanswered inside me....keep cropping up every other day....but i just dont understand myself.....and the question still stands WHATS HAPPENING around me?????
At 8:22 AM,
paras said…
wel yaa i ges...v r similar identies in dis regard...wel agreed dat da ppl arnd u do hv da power to kill u...but dey are also the ones who actlly can let life into u...make the blood flow again inside u....ppl r lik coins sumtimes dey r wat u wish dem 2 be sumtimes they arent...
At 8:40 AM,
soup said…
yes there are such when u lose such people...who are u left wid?...when u lose ur love...wht ru wid?...u r alone...
At 10:11 AM,
paras said…
those ppl are always arnd you....u are never alone....u just hav 2 find them....the point is when u sum1 has the power 2 luv u...he gets the power 2 hurt you too...n this also true vice u mite hv hrt sum1 urself but u gotto do sumthin ursel 2 mak it work again....
At 11:09 PM,
soup said…
it cant work again...whn you go beyond a limit...the rope cant put it back again the way it was...
At 5:23 AM,
paras said…
then life is all about moving brings new chapters...once one is over....the next one begins....n it can be even more beautiful then wat v imagined this one 2 if things cant work again....give life another chance....for sumthin new...n for gods sake...don be soooo low:(
At 6:00 AM,
soup said…
low...well...prolly i'll get better iin a few days...
but paras...what if you dont want a new chapter?...what if you want 2 keep reading that chapter???
At 6:54 AM,
paras said…
don wory da chapter will fade away....if not tomorrow den day after....or sumtime in the future....but it will am sure....then even if u wud want to read it again u wudnt b able'l be rendered unreadable...
At 12:50 AM,
@archie@ said…
u'll get over it;D
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