Monday, June 12, 2006


"GOD".......one realy big term for most people....
who do you think he is???(or she is.......for all those females who felt offended)
or rather for the ques to be more appropriate........what is GOD?
is he some human identity with all the powers to mould the world the way he wants......
or its just a power.....just sumthin supreme......we arent allowed to understand....
or maybe there isnt any such power or person at all....

this would make most people think of me as an atheist......
all i feel is that GOD is sumthing created by humans out of there own minds.....just to make them feel secure.....that we arent the masters of our own future.....dere is a supremo who rules us all...n that is GOD......
so i just think believing in god would be like making ourselves safe in this world.....the fear of the greatest-GOD....wud keep this world moving.....
n thats what all of us want....atleast i want.....................


  • At 8:07 AM, Blogger soup said…

    i dnt think theres any god...wht is true is you...i...we....we do everythin on our own...

  • At 8:14 AM, Blogger paras said…

    wel am not sure....i don entirely agree...as in dere is god for sure...but his physical identity is at ques here...in da minds of ppl god does exist....i bet deep down in ur mind am sure u wud agree with me..

  • At 8:38 AM, Blogger soup said…

    if i had a mind deep down....i m sure i wouldnt have been here...at this point of time...hoping i'd die..

  • At 10:13 AM, Blogger paras said…

    feeling that low....u need to see the gud things in ur life girl.....brighten it up sumhow....coz the way u fell is the way u want urself to feel like...

  • At 11:04 PM, Blogger soup said…

    i guess you are right...i somehow want to stand like a rock against the future...
    but i now believe i need to move on...i have to correct what wrong i did...i have to talk to my friends...n u r one of them...


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