Friday, May 04, 2007

Believe in yourself

"Believe in yourself" thats what most parents tell their kids to do when probably they are low because of some failure(read..not being able to live upto their parents expectations coz kids hardly know what a faliure is at that age when they are forced into this unfair world of competitiveness) they have had or they could be having in the future. for most part of my life i hadnt believed in that but somehow lalety i had become a strong believer of the theory as being the only secret to success.
so as is the habit of mine i was preaching this to one of my friends, that she should believe in herself and everything would become great when she suddenly caught me offgaurd and she said something which actually made me think about it all over again.
she said"is just believing enough to succeed? dont we need luck more than the belief?"
and i just had to think over it, is it the "belief in oneself" which is most necessary to succeed or is it the "Luck" which is the almighty.
So the i wondered, LUCK, what does this little word of four letters mean? Is it what has been written for us to get in this span of few years we call Life?
It doesnt feel great to think on those lines coz it ends at us getting to a conclusion tha we are not the masters of our destiny and worse still we have absolutely no control over our future and what is going to happen would Happen no matter what we do!!honestly i would not want to believe that. so i am happier with the belief that i control my life and am sure i share these thoughts with quite a few others. thus for me and people like me its NOT Luck which we care about!
Well probably for the ones who believe in Luck its more of their own belief in God which makes them think that luck is on their side and they make things turn our way.
So it again comes down to what we believe in or rather who we believe in, and if the "who" is yourself then i think one would always suceed in whatever endeavours he start with a belief in himself!!


  • At 1:32 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    hmmm...nicely written! I think that its distributed....

    "Life depends on the CHOICES you make....and the DESTINY unfolds itself ACCORDINGLY"-Robin Sharma

  • At 8:22 AM, Blogger Raman said…

    Hmmm....Nicely presented bro...
    Looks like your thinking is synchronized.. :)

    and the lines above would put the line out "More by luck than judgment"...-dnt knw by whom!!

  • At 11:54 AM, Blogger Another Brick in the wall... said…

    At this point of time i remember the old saying, God helps those who help themselves......Truly said buddy. Believe in urself, the only mantra to success

  • At 12:27 PM, Blogger Aashima said…

    Destiny is predecided.. we ain't capable of changing it anyways!! All I can say is "If you can dream, you can make it happen!!" no matter what!!
    Commendable post!!

  • At 10:12 AM, Blogger Unknown, Unheard, Unseen said…

    good question...like most others in ur blog which i read for de first time today

    well de sad part it luck can substitute hard wrk sometimes (eg MCQ's) but hardwrk cant substitute lucK (Bad luck)

    both hrd wrk and luck can have a moderating effect on each other but cant all together negate it. while we get de "all powerful feelin in de sense dat v rule our destiny" when both work in tandem. however now and den v do get a shock and realise not everythin is in our hands....
    wat say?

  • At 10:59 AM, Blogger Narkissos' reflection said…

    Well as neo says in MATRIX "Choice. The problem is choice." .... Destiny has always in store of us more than one choice .It is the human mind who has to choose.
    So i think it is our belief that shapes up the future and not sheer luck.


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