Monday, April 09, 2007

grass is always greener on the other side

Have you ever had any of these experiences :-
1)the lane you are driving in is always the slowest(with exception to all those bike riders coz you dont have any lanes :P )
2)the maggi you get is always lesser than what your friend sitting next to you got and that specially tends to happen when you are really very hungry!!
3)out of the chapters you had done for the exam and what the guy sitting next to you had done most questiond turn out to be from the ones u didnt do and he did!!
4)your vivas always take more time than most other people in your class
5)the food you ordered in a restraunt always takes more time to get ready and is generally the worst among all the orders.
then you are suffering from what i like to call "grass is greener syndrome"
well dont be scared its not a serious disease(not something like the one in which the patient starts eating green grass hehe)
but its just a proof of you being human.because believe me we are an ugly race.more than we like ourselves getting something great we hate others getting anything even a little better than ourselves!!!
just think about it when was the last time when something that happend to you was what exactly you wanted and you were thinkin about all those other not so lucky one who had to compromise with whatever life had offered them. i am pretty sure no one would be able to remeber any such incident. and i am even more sure about the fact that you can easily remember atleast one such incident in the past 24 hours of your life that you had been jealous of someone else's achivements or property etc.
for all we need to realise is everything had its pros n cons, ups n downs, dark n bright periods just that rather than assuming that life would always be bright and that we need to crib when it gets dark we should learn to appreciate the brightness when its there :)

so next time you are driving your car in heavy traffic just look at those lanes next to you which are at a standstill when you are moving swiftly( p.s. dont blame me if your lane is actually the slowest coz someone has to be on that slowest lane :P)


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