Modern India!!
Well yesterday i was watching the TV flipping through channels looking for at least something which is worth wasting my time, which as a matter of fact isn't that important, but still couldn't find anything!! But then i struck gold i saw this news channel( i must say these news channels are pretty interesting these days ) with like a thousand people on screen running in a field with a couple of dozen policemen running behind them with the caption under the video: Breaking News..gujjars want reservation in Rajasthan, 6 die!!!
The actual news was, at two places in rajasthan dausa and kota, gujjars who are basically an upper caste want the government to recognize them as one of the scheduled tribes, so during the demonstration they had blocked the highway between jaipur and agra and to clear them off the highway the police had to fire at them!!
That made me laugh my guts out. Was just trying to re frame the piece of news in normal English and it looked like this: Gujjars the UPPER CASTE wants the people of the country to recognize them as a LOWER CASTE!!!
Imagine telling this to someone a hundred years back when people were dying because of this caste system and they could have done anything to get rid of this agonizing practice but the only difference it was the other way round.
The UPA government has done a great job in developing this country, we no longer have people such as those from the kerela of the 60's, when thousands and lakhs of low caste hindus converted to Christianity just to get rid of the social and economic troubles! And now the UPA government has completely turned things around for the people! It wont be a shock for me or for that matter for any of us if those lakhs of Christians start reconverting to law caste hindus!
Would sure be a treat for the father of our nation Mahatma Gandhi sitting in heaven and looking at this country where he fought so much for the rights of the lower castes and started calling them HARIJANS ( sons of god) just to get them acceptance in the society, that now the people don't just accept them they are ready to literally die to be one of them, shocking it is but its the Modern India's Truth!!
The actual news was, at two places in rajasthan dausa and kota, gujjars who are basically an upper caste want the government to recognize them as one of the scheduled tribes, so during the demonstration they had blocked the highway between jaipur and agra and to clear them off the highway the police had to fire at them!!
That made me laugh my guts out. Was just trying to re frame the piece of news in normal English and it looked like this: Gujjars the UPPER CASTE wants the people of the country to recognize them as a LOWER CASTE!!!
Imagine telling this to someone a hundred years back when people were dying because of this caste system and they could have done anything to get rid of this agonizing practice but the only difference it was the other way round.
The UPA government has done a great job in developing this country, we no longer have people such as those from the kerela of the 60's, when thousands and lakhs of low caste hindus converted to Christianity just to get rid of the social and economic troubles! And now the UPA government has completely turned things around for the people! It wont be a shock for me or for that matter for any of us if those lakhs of Christians start reconverting to law caste hindus!
Would sure be a treat for the father of our nation Mahatma Gandhi sitting in heaven and looking at this country where he fought so much for the rights of the lower castes and started calling them HARIJANS ( sons of god) just to get them acceptance in the society, that now the people don't just accept them they are ready to literally die to be one of them, shocking it is but its the Modern India's Truth!!
At 10:11 AM,
Ankita said…
Ya the govt. hs actually bin able to do d unthinkable!!!With the 'n' numbr of resrvations fr almst anythn possible it seems bettr fr many ppl to turn in2 d lower castes..tho nuthn new!certificates wr still being gvn out secrtly...ya its bcum a public demand nw!!
hail indian policies!!!
At 7:23 AM,
Pallavi said…
Coversions still take place back in der for a trifle has always been the "covered truth" bt yes its strange that people fyt today to be ST. But dont u think we (the people) hav always been selfish enuf to move where the wind smells like mint...the rhym n reasons hav never been the concern... it just keeps changing its face dis tym its under the cover of ST sadly the real motives r still the same...
At 4:29 AM,
Shreya said…
its actually all else would the gujjars n the meenas b able to organise? this is the great democracy of our country....n here we are blogging and cribbing about it.... they'll get away with it...india will b a laughing stock...n vl keep cribbing. i wish there was a way out of this cycle...
i wonder if there will b a day when us "upper class" ppl wud require reservations....vl be the minority group...
At 2:28 AM,
Another Brick in the wall... said…
Its ridiculous, I don,t buy this reservation funda. Dividing ppl on the basis of caste is a thing of past, which have come up again to hit in the face of the so called upper classes.........Its just the foul play of some dirty politicians who are agitating ppl for their mean motives
At 5:55 AM,
soup said…
bt then... the UPA govt wanted to change the face of the nation!!
At 1:50 AM,
paras said…
do u even hope tha people of this country and their thinking would ever change!!! i dont think we wud get to see that change not atleast in this lifetime!!
i dont think there's a way out atleast not without a revolution or probably a strong dictator, which has very low probability of happenin so ges v hv 2 liv wid it & watch the dirty game of politics bein played behind undercover as a fite for reservations!!
or maybe we can go n agitate n ask for reservations ourselves :P
u r soo right!!!
yess n blv me they have managed to do that pretty well!!!!!!!!!!
At 9:53 AM,
Pallavi said…
umm..yes we are changing...n yes i know we will change..i m not JUST hoping!...the percentage myt be qite less nevertheless its happening n thats what matters!!
At 1:46 PM,
Narkissos' reflection said…
what we saw in the case of gujjars was nothing but a sociological phenomena called caste mobilisation albeit in a backward way . nothing new to it . it has been done before , the mobilisation thing ....... there are several classic examples in indian society\
At 12:04 PM,
Raman said…
are u sure u got M.Gandhi's residence address rite???
At 12:01 PM,
@archie@ said…
dint read dis post andhu...sowie fr commenting nevazz,bt gud to c dt ur gettin as many as 9 commentz per post!!!!thought provoking i must say..!!!
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